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About Us

Designer Stephanie Romano, Founder and Creative Director, was born and raised in New Jersey and has always been drawn to art in any form- from DIY crafts and painting designs on nails to painting, drawing, fashion design, and of course Jewelry design. She has always used art as a form of personal expression, stress relief, and as a hobbie until just recently in January 2013 when she found a way to share happiness and positivity through her Jewelry designs.

Aside from her creative energy, Stephanie and her mother are avid yogi’s. Together they went through the teacher training program at American Yoga Academy where they learned not only the benefits of yoga ON the mat, but also about bringing the yogi philosophy into your day-to-day life. Stephanie has participated in many charity events and is passionate about “passing positive energy forward.” She is a true believer in Karma and loves the feeling it gives her to help bring positivity to others.

Stephanie frequently travels and finds inspiration everywhere she goes. In her travels, she has met many wonderful people, seen beautiful things and some not-so-beautiful things. She embraces the unfortunately negative situations in life as learning experiences. Through her life and travels and personal experiences she has been witness to great accomplishments, beauty, and joy, and also illnesses, death, and pain. She has learned to understand that even some things/people appear to be beautiful but have deeper emotions inside and underneath that can’t be seen. All of these lessons and experiences are where Karma Charms derives. We are here to fight the battles and hardships and bring positivity to others.

NJ Yoga Teacher Training

Indigo Yoga

Check in with other Karma adventures Stephanie at indigoyogastudios.com and njyogateachertraining.com

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